Friday, September 10, 2010


since we leave class at 1:47 and its 1:40 im just going to type a bunch of random stuff and hope that it counts as writing. because i have nothing to write about. now its 1:41 and i keep spelling words wrong and im starting to get really confused as to what im even saying. so...this mornig i spelled the word "week"
W-E-E-5. because i cant spell and sometimes 5 and K look like the same letter to me. i hope this is enough to count as a paper because its 1:45 and i just keep sitting here doing nothing because i cant think under pressure, obviously. please dont fail me!


  1. is that pete wentz o fall out boy? brilliant. i would give you an A.

  2. BAHAHAH !!
    The randomness of this is uber hilarious (:
    Good MORNIG :D
    You fail at life :D

  3. yep, thats pete. and thats what im gonna dress up as for halloween. that exact outfit.
